In the course of researching for the catalogue raisonné of all recorded works by George Wilson, included in 'The Lost Pre-Raphaelite', it has been fortunate that a number of photographs and other images came to light of works that are presently presumed to be lost. These images are now reproduced here in the hope that they might possibly elicit the whereabouts of one or two of these 'lost' works - and at the same time possibly identify them for their fortunate owners. Please note that the quality of these images is variable since the source in some cases was not always of the highest quality.
This gallery by no means constitutes all the missing works by George Wilson, of course. The catalogue raisonné lists many more works for which only the title exists from previous records; but similarly, there will inevitably be numerous other unknown works that are presently lost or unidentified - this being made all the more difficult through Wilson's refusal ever to sign his work.
We will be very pleased to learn of any identified or even possible works by George Wilson for further investigation.
Please click on the thumbnails below to view a more detailed image.